Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Skins Contemporary Indigenous Writing - 836 Words

Kateri akiwenzie-damm Born: 1965 Toronto, Ottawa (Birth Date unknown) Canadian writer, editor, producer, and activist Author works Editor Anthologies Skins: Contemporary Indigenous Writing. (Editor) with Josie Douglas, 2000 Without Reservation: Indigenous Erotica, 2003 Speaking True: A Kegedonce Press Anthology, 2006 The Stone Collection, 2015 Poetry My Heart is a Stray Bullet, 1993, 2002 bloodriver woman, 1998 Spoken Work standing ground, poetry CD, 2004 Plays A Constellation of Bones, 2007 Documentary Feature Featured in the documentary, Words From the Edge, 2007 Awards Recipient, Literary Arts Development Writers Grant from the Canada Council, 1996 Recipient, Ontario Arts Council, Writers Reserve Grant for a poetry†¦show more content†¦As a scholar, she held the Lucille Herbert Memorial Scholarship and was a member of the Dean s Honour Roll at York University. In 1993, Kateri founded Kegedonce Press to give voice to Indigenous culture and, in the same year, she published a book of poetry, My Heart is a Stray Bullet with Kegodonce Press. Her literary activities soon expanded to editing and publishing the work of other writers in anthologies. The first, Skins: Contemporary Indigenous Writing, she edited and jointly published with Kegedonce Press and Jukurrpa Books. Skins collected the work of writers from Canada, the United States, Australia, and Aotearoa - New Zealand. The second, Without Reservation: Indigenous Erotica. Kegedonce Press, was about Native sexuality and erotica through the writing and history of various tribes. Her prose work, Stone Collection, published in 2015 was an interconnected narrative of short stories exploring emotions such as humor, love, and anger and topics such as family. In addition to her literary, publishing, and performance work, she has been an activist as a Board Member and Interim Vice President of the Aboriginal Youth Council of Canada and a member of the Joint National Committee on Aboriginal AIDS Education. Other activism work has been with the Native Advisory Council of the Wordcraft Circle of Native Writers Workshop. Her work has included being a Trustee ofShow MoreRelatedDaniel Castros Examination of Las Casas Work1033 Words   |  4 PagesCasas is known for but mainly highlights the rarely exposed ambivalent political and economic imperialistic motives behind his â€Å"humanitarianism† and his will to convert the Indigenous people. Castro focuses on the apostle and destructor dichotomy of Las Casas. 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Monday, December 16, 2019

What Are the Different Forms of Literature Free Essays

Literature is a form of expression. It is an expression of one’s feeling, ideas, emotions, personal experience and imagination. It conveys through a piece of writing that can be valued in the works of art, especially, novels, plays and poems. We will write a custom essay sample on What Are the Different Forms of Literature? or any similar topic only for you Order Now It is divided into two fictional and non-fictional literatures. Fictional literature is based on imagery writing than reality. It provides information, education and entertainment to the readers. Non-fictional literature is based on reality. It denotes about the facts, real places, real events and character. The world of literature suggests an art form. Works of literature particularly represent a genre. Literature can be varied from one generation to another generation. Great literatures transform the man who reads it towards the man who wrote it. The life of human and nature is explored in the way of literature. The good literature has emotional element, the element of imagination and fancy, the element of composition and style. Literature is an expression of life. It is the man’s script of thoughts and emotion. It is characterized by permanent qualities. Every great work comes from an ideal person, to know his ideal record we should read his literature. Literature talks about the ideals of people, love, faith, duty and friendship. Literature can be classified into novel, short story and dramas. The concept of literature varied over time. British literature was considered one of the most widespread literatures in the world. This was the period, which faced lots of inventions and developments in the England. All the developments were influenced by the authors and imitated in their own works. There was also a great development in British literature. England flourished from the year 800 BC. British literature includes the works of old English, middle English and modern English each denoted different periods. The most important events in England were the Germanic invasions. Germanic was followed by Angles and Saxons. Angles and Saxons were established in various parts of the Britain. British literature states about the human and of its experience. It describes about the difficulty of achieving the community. Common people’s problems were reflected in the periodicals and newspapers. Humanism became the most important in the life of intellectuals and in the English literature. It was the fundamental quality found in the people of the renaissance period. British literature was bound up with historical shifts of British identity. The most important historical event was the Hundred Year’s war, the Black Death this made many writers to write about it. Many people were encouraged to translate Latin works into English. English were recorded in chronicles this was the first historical record. English was wide spread all over the country of England. By the year 1300 English was used by all classes of people. The most common goal of the poet was to make English more flexible. During the fifteenth century English language attained the modern form. Poetry was more essential in the seventh and eighth century of England. Poetic talents were highly valued in the English literature. Heroic couplet, ballad and sonnets were some of the important thing introduced in the English literature. This made the poetry writing even more effectiveness in the literature. The prose of old English has only the English soil and not the Germanic origins. There was a rise in morality play in the fourteenth century. It teaches people about morals and values of human lives. The Canterbury Tales was one of the famous works of Chaucer which reflects the society of England and the real characters who lived in the society. The most remarkable thing in England was the invention of printing press by Caxton in 1476. The invention made a huge development that all the books in the manuscript were changed into printed books. It encouraged writings of all kinds of works and also improved the standardization of English language. The age reason can be divided into three The Restoration Age, The Augustan Age and The Age of Johnson. There was a great development in scientific inventions like navigation, shipbuilding and discoveries of sea route. Queen Elizabeth Age was considered one of the fruitful periods of English history. She made a lot of developments in English history. The Elizabethan literature reflects the new nationalism. Many new genres, themes, ideas were introduced in English literature. Elizabethan literature commonly influenced self-confident and about the expanding of nation powers and increasing the wealth. In the sixteenth and seventeenth century drama was flourished in England in the works of university wits. Jacobean drama started with the drama including the Shakespeare’s plays. Drama continued to expand until the theaters were closed. Novels were popular in the Britain. The novels were considered not only the form of entertainment but also means of analyzing and offering solutions social and political problems. The century was ended with gothic novels. The development of poetry, novels and drama attained a great height. It was influenced by the pupil because of the humanism, morality and the historical truth which arouses interest towards the people. How to cite What Are the Different Forms of Literature?, Papers

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Living with Schizophrenia free essay sample

Schizophrenia is a disorder that has many areas involved in it including major disturbances in perception, language, thought, emotion, and behavior. It is really sad to know that some people have such severe cases that they cannot operate in the everyday world and are forced to be institutionalized. World-wide we see that at least one in every 250 people is affected by schizophrenia at some point in their lives (Karagianis, Hill, 2010). This is quite a large amount of people when you break it down, this is showing that just here in the United States there are approximately 1,360,000 people affected by schizophrenia some point in their life. With science growing everyday most of us are unaware of the new discoveries that are found about this awful disorder that plagues such are a large number of our world’s population. New founded science shows us that medications as well as a comfortable environment can actually help control some of the symptoms of schizophrenia (Smerud, Rosenfarb, 2011). Some may wonder how this disease came about, well that answer is a little more complex than you might think, schizophrenia originated in the 1900’s and even after decades of research many people affected by the disease fail to maintain normal patterns of goal orientated behavior (Heerly, Matveeva, Gold, 2011). Without the knowledge of this disease our world will continue to be effected with little or no hope of a cure. When a case of schizophrenia is diagnosed to be severe a person may actually lose all hope in continuing their life. Severe cases have many symptoms such as hallucinations, disorganized behavior, and disorganized speech. There are three main types of schizophrenia, paranoid schizophrenia, disorganized schizophrenia, and catatonic schizophrenia. Paranoid schizophrenia is absurd or suspicious ideas or beliefs, disorganized schizophrenia is when a person gradually retreats into his/her own fantasies, this normally comes on at a younger age, and catatonic schizophrenia is when someone has a disturbance in movement which in most cases is a decrease in motor activity (Purdon, Waldie, Woodward, Wilman, Tibbo, 2011). Knowing the difference in the types of schizophrenia can be vital in how you attempt to treat an individual who has been diagnosed. There are many ways that can help control the symptoms of schizophrenia and even though there is not a cure, these strategies can actually help one who suffers from the disease live a relatively normal life. One way to help is to use family and close relatives to show the patient that they have support. However, it is imperative that family and close relatives give a patient with schizophrenia room and try not to crowd them as they will most likely panic (Delevoye-Terral, Vienne, Coello, 2011). Another form of helping a patient keep their symptoms controlled is through various medications. However, this is the last resort, you do not want to bring on an even bigger problem of addiction to medications as well as dealing with the symptoms of schizophrenia. Studies show that social workers are able to help those families that do not have the means to get the help they need due to money constraints as well as facilities near them (Guada, Venable, 2011). These studies also revealed that the social workers can look up information online to help the families do what they can to move forward with the diagnosis. Studies using physiological measures of emotional response have also found that people with schizophrenia exhibit responses to evocative stimuli that are more similar than dissimilar to those of people without schizophrenia† (Kring, Germans Gard, Gard, 2011). This shows that patients that are diagnosed with schizophrenia are not that different from you or me when it comes to emotional experience. With everything that has come out in the last few years it is clear that scientist are coming closer everyday with finding a way to permanently control schizophrenia as well as look for a cure. This may be years away but we must not give up hope, because those patients affected by schizophrenia deserve a chance to get better. Unlike other mental disorders, schizophrenia is one that seems to have the same symptoms within different cultures so it would help drastically if we could find a way for those struck with this devastating disease to get some answers. This disease can actually run someone’s life, and as I stated earlier it can get so bad that a patient must be institutionalized in order to survive without hurting themselves or someone else. When the delusions take over it will cause someone to think they are being told to do something from within themselves and might cause them to act in an irrational manner (Hahn, Robinson, Harvey, Kaiser, Leonard, Lucks, Gold, 2011). The sooner the scientist around the world can come up with a cure the better these patients will be, but until then we should all be educated on how schizophrenia affects people as well as the signs we should look for when we suspect someone might be suffering from this disease. If you see some of these symptoms in someone you know it would good to try to get them some help before it is too late. As stated earlier the symptoms of schizophrenia can be controlled and it might help someone that could be living with the disease and not even know it. Some people may feel that schizophrenia is associated with split or multiple personality, well this assumption is actually false, the word schizophrenia means â€Å"split mind† not split personality (Kring, Germans Gard, Gard, 2011). It is important to know the difference between the two because even though the symptoms may be similar they are actually two very different disorders. Personality disorders are defined as having more than one personality which is completely different from being diagnosed with schizophrenia. As I stated earlier schizophrenia is characterized by major disturbances in perception, language, thought, emotion and behavior. This clearly shows the difference between the two disorders. To go a little more in-debt let’s look at the breakdown in these symptoms. Perceptual disturbances which are false but strong beliefs in a fictitious manner, a good example of this would be when someone believes that they are being conspired against. Another definition of perceptual disturbances would be hallucinations which cause someone to hear, smell, feel, or see something that is just not there in reality (Kring, Germans Gard, Gard, 2011). Moving onto the language portion of these disturbances shows us that someone who has been diagnosed with schizophrenia tends to be unable to think clearly or concentrate ,this also affects their ability to connect thoughts logically. A person with schizophrenia can experience sudden, inexplicable changes in mood, such as intense sadness, happiness, excitement, depression or anger that come on without reason or warning† (Purdon, Waldie, Woodward, Wilman, Tibbo, 2011). As you can see you could be talking to someone who has schizophrenia one minute and everything will be fine and the next minute they could be going off the deep end on a downward spiral of depression or anger. This is also associcated with someone with schizophrenia getting overly excited or happy about something that you or I would find to be minor. Now this seems to be describing only the thought portion of the disturbances someone with schizophrenia might have but in all reality it is very much their behavior as well. If someone gets overly excited you will not only see a change in their thought process but also within their behavior. You might wonder, could I be a schizophrenic? This is a good question do you know where it comes from? The answers to these questions are still be researched, however, there have been some recent breakthroughs that show us a few possibilities on how someone can be diagnosed with schizophrenia. One of the most recent studies show that researches are finding evidence that shows that it is a result of biological and psychosocial factors (Purdon, Waldie, Woodward, Wilman, Tibbo, 2011). This simply means that one of the causes of schizophrenia could be genetics as well as brain abnormalities. They have also linked some of the specific genes related to schizophrenia, meaning if you are linked genetically with someone who has schizophrenia you could be at risk of being diagnosed with the disease. It would behoove anyone who is questioning their genetic history dealing with schizophrenia to look deeper to see if they are at risk. As stated earlier schizophrenia is world-wide and it is the most devastating of all the mental disorders. Even though the symptoms are widely spread there are some differences in various countries. For example, in Latin America women generally lead men in the diagnosis of the disease however, in the United States men are normally affected by the disease more. When women are diagnosed with the disease it seems to hit them fast, they begin to have hallucinations, and delusions whereas men can go for a much longer time without their symptoms becoming increasingly worse (Purdon, Waldie, Woodward, Wilman, Tibbo, 2011). The average age for schizophrenia onset is 18 for men and 25 for women (Kring, Germans Gard, Gard, 2011), most of the time you will not be diagnosed with schizophrenia after the age of 45. This disease can take a loved one away from reality and cause them to become detached from the world. According to the diathesis –stress model â€Å"the onset of a certain disorder may result from a combination of ones biological disposition towards the given disorder and stressful events that bring about the onset to such disorder† (Delevoye-Terral, Vienne, Coello, 2011). Now, this doesn’t mean that just because you get a little stressed out about something as most people do at least once a week that you are at risk for schizophrenia. This model is just stating that if you have inherited the predisposition that you could be at greater risk. A study showed that patients who were sent home to a family that was hostile towards them had a much higher rate of a relapse episode than those who went home to families that comforted them and excepted them (Purdon, Waldie, Woodward, Wilman, Tibbo, 2011). This is vital when trying to help someone who has to live with this disease, as stated earlier one may have an episode if stress is brought into their lives. It must be unbairable at times to all of the sudden be taken over by feelings of depression, anger, and delusions. The treatment or hospitalization is very expensive for a patient to be treated for any mental disorder so we should take every action possible to help them as much as we can. The facts are out there it is up to us to read them and become familiar for what to look for, you never know you could be living with schizophrenia and not know. Without the help of our scientist and educators out there, we may have never really known what this disorder was or how it can be controlled. Our world is being affected by something we cannot cure and in some counties they do not have the means to even control the symptoms as we do. There are people every day being diagnosed with this disease and having to face it alone or in an institution. Families of those affected need to open their eyes and their arms to the disease and see how it really affects one’s body. You would be amazed as to how much a positive environment would help a patient that has been diagnosed. As stated earlier families that turn their back on a loved one who has to live with this only makes it harder for them function normally. Our nation has come together with other countries to try to find a cure so that people will no longer suffer with this, so those of us that are not affected by the disease can also come together and be a support group for those who are. Until there is a cure for this devastating disease we need to focus on what it is available to help those who are in need.

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Necessity of Understanding the Historical Roots of Psychological testing

Introduction It is quite interesting to note that methods of psychological testing have evolved over the years to incorporate a variety of new practices, methods of evaluation and even treatment in regards to mental illness (Matarazzo, 1992). For example, what is known today as post traumatic stress disorder was largely undiagnosed in the past and had been primarily thought of us as being isolated to individuals who went to war.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Necessity of Understanding the Historical Roots of Psychological testing specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Today, it is generally attributed to instances involving a sufficiently traumatic event that can result in a â€Å"mental scar† so to speak that would require successive methods of psychological testing and evaluation to diagnose and treat. By understanding the historical underpinnings of psychological testing, we are able to come to the realization that as a field of medicine, psychology has experienced a considerable degree of trial and error due to complexities of the human mind (Yanovski, Nelson, 1993). Some of what was generally known as fact in the past is known as fiction today and vice versa. As such, through an understanding of past procedures we begin to question the effectiveness of present day processes and as a result strive to investigate whether alternative methods of evaluation, treatment and testing can be implemented so as to create a better scenario for the patient. Necessity of Understanding the Historical Roots of Psychological testing It must also be noted that by exploring the historical roots of psychological testing students are in effect introduced to the mistakes, ridiculous assumptions and often times bizarre types of treatments that were often utilized in the past to test and treat patients (Ash, 1971). Through exposure to such lessons, students are in effect shown the evolution of psy chological testing and how gaps in understanding and research often lead to flawed assumptions resulting in dubious if not highly unethical testing and treatment methods. By understanding the necessity of a thorough understanding of intricacies of the mind, students within the field of psychological begin to develop the basic foundations of the ethical and scientific guidelines that are necessary within the field (Bizot, 1998). This helps to ensure that they avoid instances where they do more harm than good with the patients under their care through either misdiagnosis during testing or improper methods of treatment being implemented. Developing an Understanding of Present Day Processes From another perspective, it can actually be assumed that by understanding the historical roots of psychological testing students are in effect given a preview as to how present day testing procedures evolved and how they will continue to evolve in the future which should greatly influence how the fi eld progresses in terms of its correlation to advances in scientific developments.Advertising Looking for research paper on psychology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More What must be understood is that by examining the historical roots of psychological testing, students will be able see how intertwined it is with advances in technological development. They will come to realize that as technology advances so too does it broaden our ability to understand the mind and that the present day means by which we understand and implement methods of psychological testing is inherently limited by the technological innovation that enabled such procedures to be developed in the first place. As such, by developing the understanding that as a field psychology is still â€Å"incomplete† so to speak this enables the creation of the mindset that focuses on developing new methods of evaluation, testing and treatment based on a better underst anding of the mind. Reference List Ash, P. (1971). A History of Psychological Testing (Book). Personnel Psychology, 24(3), 539-543. Bizot, E. B. (1998). Book reviews. American Journal Of Evaluation, 19(2), 255. Matarazzo, J. D. (1992). Psychology testing and assessment in the 21st century.  American Psychologist, 47(8), 1007. Yanovski, S., Nelson, J. E. (1993). Association of binge eating disorder and psychiatric comorbidity in obese subjects. American Journal Of Psychiatry,  150(10), 1472. This research paper on Necessity of Understanding the Historical Roots of Psychological testing was written and submitted by user Rayden G. to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Miscellaneous essays

Miscellaneous essays Perhaps more often than men, women in movies are depicted as being constrained by societal expectations even as they are expected not to be boringly ordinary; In the films Queen Margot, Camille Claudel, Children of Paradise and Breathless, different leading actresses take on different parts. What these movies have in common are their portrayal of societies limits on women and at the same time, how women seem able to go around these limitations. Queen Margot is set in 16th century, a time of political deception and religious persecution. Margot, in an effort to end the hostilities between two religious groups, is married to the opposition. Margot has no love or interest in her new husband, and despite her marriage vows, she finds a lover in La Mole. The significance of Margots role in this film is how it portrays women at that time. Needless to say, her character was a bit on the promiscuous side. Not only was she sleeping with her brothers, but she was practically sleeping with anyone. This depicts a very non-representational view of women at that time. Although society at that time would frown upon actions taken by Margot, she found ways to live accordingly. At the same time, she had a reasonable amount of power. It is hard to categorize her with other women because she was royalty, but either way her brothers seemed to have the upper hand. Since ancient times, women artists have been creating alongside their male counterparts. Many of these women were highly successful during their lifetimes, yet have been omitted from art historical documentation. In the movie Camille Claudel, Camille is always in her counterpart/lovers shadow. A logical explanation why is because of the fact that she is a woman. Camille was seen as a "disgrace" to her society. She was not doing something that was accepted out of women. One part in the movie, she is act...

Friday, November 22, 2019

Our newest release - 13 months in the making!

Our newest release - 13 months in the making! Our newest release – 13 months in the making! It’s been almost 13 months since our last updated, but we’ve been working hard over that time period to make a better web application. And we still have a lot to do. Thanks so much for your patience. Take a look around and get yourself acquainted with the changes that have been made. Read all about it below: Tooltip help – we’ve introduced â€Å"tooltip help† to . When entering information about your source into the form fields, hold your cursor over the field label (indicated by blue text and a dotted underline) and you will see a tooltip pop up. This will provide details of the formatting rules and guidelines that are relevant to the source you are citing. Citation tagging – you can now tag individual citations, in order to categorize them by subject, author, or any other area of interest. This feature is available on the â€Å"My Saved Bibliographies† page. Once you tag citations, you can filter by them and see a list of citations with a specific tag. You can then download this filtered list or save it as a new bibliography! Improved â€Å"My Bibliography† interface – we’ve made many changes to the way your in-progress bibliography displays. First, your bibliography is now confined to a specifically-sized section so that large bibliographies don’t make the page scroll down infinitely. Second, you can now name and rename your bibliography simply by clicking the pencil icon next to the bibliography title, which we’ve also added to the interface. Photograph support – now supports citing photographs, pictures, or images found online. Check the dropdown list from the â€Å"Other† tab to cite a photograph. Annotations – you can now append notes or general information to your citations. These annotations will appear at the bottom of your exported bibliography. Calendar interface for entering dates – thanks to a Rails plugin called CalendarDateSelect, you can now use a popup calendar to select and enter date information, instead of filling it in. Click the calendar icon next to any month/day/year fields to use it. Expanded Help and FAQ page – in response to common questions and emails we receive, we’ve added new questions and areas of concern to our Help and FAQ page. Design improvements – all across the website, you should notice some visual tweaks and changes. We’ve standardized the web site design and thrown some polish over everything. Magazine search patched – the AutoFill functionality for Magazine is restored, after having to change the way interfaced with FindArticles. Improved Blog page – we finally matched our blog’s color scheme to the rest of the website. But we also have provided an RSS feed link so you can subscribe to our blog and be automatically updated about any updates, changes, or new features that we add to . Formatting style updates – we want to thank all of our users who reported any inaccuracies in the style guide’s formatting rules. has since fixed any issues. Various bug fixes – many of the visual bugs that persisted have been fixed.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Graduate Labour Market Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Graduate Labour Market - Essay Example As the report declares in its effort to improve and modernise public services, UK government has created more job opportunities for graduates. Some of the sectors that depict an increase in the rate of employment include public administration, health and education, construction as well as business and finance. It is important to note that the UK economic and political developments have made the region to be one of the countries that have the lowest rates of unemployment in Europe. According to Association of Graduate Recruiters (AGR), approximately 30% of the UK graduates are highly demanded in foreign countries including European region based on the extensive training undertaken by universities. This paper declares that the manager oversees the implementation of effective use of internet as a way of promoting and advertising of the products. Other vital duties of the manager includes evaluation and tracking of online marketing strategies, identifying new online marketing tactics as well as collaborating with personnel who are responsible for developing websites. Due to the stiff competition in the international market, companies in UK and abroad are emulating e-marketing in order to attain a competitive edge. This means that there exist more job opportunities for students who choose Online Marketing Manager as their future career. Individuals intending to become online marketing managers should posses a degree in marketing and have some experience of internet marketing. In addition, it is essential for one to have a good knowledge of English language and proper communication skills (Laermer, 2007). Communication skills are vital since the marketing managers should have adequ ate knowledge on how to address the needs of their clients. Depending with the size of an organization an Online Marketing Manager should be at least 23 years old and with an experience of 3- 4 years in a marketing department. Even though most of the marketing

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Martin Luther King Jr Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Martin Luther King Jr - Essay Example Martin is the kind of man who was admired by many people for the help he offered to humanity. He made several travels around the world to meet various political and religious leaders for advice. In his travels also, he preached to the people against violent practices and educated them on their civil rights so that the freedom for humanity could be reborn. In this essay therefore we shall focus on everything that pertains to Martin Luther King Jnr in line with leadership, as he made use of all the possible means to ensure that humanity got saved from all kinds of mistreatment as well as poverty. Martin Luther Jnr was born in Georgia in 1929, in a religious family; being that the father was a pastor. Due to the racism that had taken root in Montgomery and the inspiration drawn from a theologian, who all his time was dedicated towards defending racial equality, Martin Luther Jnr decided to join him so he could fight against such ills of the society. He always was a person who could not simply relax in the face of ill practices, he always assumed an obligation of ensuring change got effected soon. Just after being elected president of the Montgomery Improvement Association, he realized it was time he swung into action against racism, by taking advantage of the position he had acquired. It was, therefore, in 1995 when in a Montgomery bus witnessed a situation where Rosa Parks was asked to surrender her seat for a white passenger, whom they regarded special as compared to Rosa. She refused to honor their orders, and this had her arrested. A bus boycott was then organized by Mart in Luther Jnr together with other activists, which went on for a year and some days; threatening the downtown business owned by people as well as the straining of the economy of the public transit system. At this time, the qualities of great leadership in Martin Luther had begun to show. He is not afraid of what

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Human sexuality Essay Example for Free

Human sexuality Essay She was barely eight years old when together with seven of her age mates ,she was handed over to a traditional circumciser who took them through the painful process of FGM. it has been many years since ,and she has accomplished so much in life, but the incident remains fresh in her mind. The old woman who took them through the process was going blind, she says, and three of the eight who underwent the procedure died due to excessive bleeding. One of them was her very close friend. Luckily for her, the bleeding was not too much and she had a savior at hand. Her father, who was a policeman, took her to a hospital in Garissa using a police land rover. This was the traumatizing experience that nominated Member of Parliament, Sophia Abdi Noor went through when her mother blessed her to undergo the rite of passage that would cleanse her and make her acceptable for marriage according to tradition. Never before in history of the august house had a member used her own life experience to move debate as Ms.  Sophia did when supporting the bill to outlaw female genital mutilation. Female genital mutilation is the term used for operations or removal of all or just part of the external parts of female genitilia. This practice has for a long time come under increasingly intense international scrutiny from the news media, feminist and human rights organizations. The main reasons for continuation of FGM are firstly, as a rite of passage from girlhood to womanhood; a circumcised woman is considered mature, obedient and aware of her role in the family and society. Secondly, FGM is perpetuated as a means of reducing sexual desire of girls and women, thereby curbing sexual activity before and ensuring fidelity within marriage. Although opposition to female ‘circumcision’ has been articulated throughout the twentieth century, starting with missionaries and colonial administrators, the current resurgence of indignation was ignited in part by activists at conferences honoring the United Nations Decade for women(1975-1985). (Shell-Duncan. B,Hernland-Y;pg 23) The practice of circumcising women has very deep roots that touch all aspects of the cultures that continue to inflict it upon their girls. However,it still remains to be a practice that violates the human rights of affected women in a moral and ethical sense because it generates psychological torture, low self-esteem, tampers with a woman’s sexuality and is a health hazard. Psychological torture The pain inflicted by F. G. M does not stop with the initial procedure, but often continues as an ongoing torture throughout a woman’s life. Intense pain and hemorrhage experienced during the procedure can lead to shock. A 1985 Kenyan study found that nearly 97% of the 269 women interviewed experienced intense pain during and after F. G.  M and more than 13% went into shock. According to WHO, It is self-evident that any form of surgical interference in the highly sensitive genital organs constitutes a serious threat to the woman, and that the painful operation is a source of major physical as well as psychological trauma. The extent and nature of the immediate and long-term mental disturbances will depend on the girl’s inner defences, the prevailing psychological environment, and a host of other factors. The family no doubt does its best to mitigate the painful effects of the operation; nonetheless, they necessarily undergo overwhelming experiences. Even before the operation, the threat of ‘cutting’ and fear provoking situation may disturb the mental state of the child to the degree that it causes worry, anxiety, sleeplessness, nightmares or panic. As anticipating precautions against these anxieties the family commonly uses various forms of traditional magi co-religious practice such as fumigation, or the wearing of amulets. On a religious perspective, the scripture prescribes that special efforts be made to care for those who are most vulnerable. (Deut 10:17-19,Ps 82:3,4; Ps24:11,12;Luke 1:52-54) Jesus taught that children should be loved and protected. Therefore,the genital mutilation of young girls violates the biblical mandate to safeguard children and protect them from harm and abuse Tampers with a woman’s sexuality. Sexual intercourse can only take place after opening the infibulation, through surgery or penetrative sexual intercourse. Consequently, intercourse is frequently painful during the first weeks after initiation. Although it is difficult to verify reports or women’s sexual experiences, physical complications from FGM often impede sexual enjoyment. FGM destroys much or all of the vulva nerve endings, delaying arousal or impairing orgasm. Lacerations loss of skin elasticity, or development of neuron (a tumor or mass growing from a nerve) can lead to painful intercourse. In a 1993 Kenyan study, 5% of women interviewed experienced painful intercourse while 9. 3% of them reported having difficult or impossible penetration, and that many of the married ones only accepted it only as a duty. Scripture celebrates the divinely ordained gift of sexual intimacy within marriage (Eccl9. 9;Prov 5:18,19). The practice of female genital mutilation should be renounced because it threatens the creator’s design for the experience of joyful sexuality by married couples. For married couples, the gift of sexual union may be further blessed by the birth of children (Prov 31:28). The fact that successful childbirth is threatened by FGM is additional grounds for opposition to this practice. Health hazard. In October 1994, as a response to the call to Global Action,UNICEF issued an executive directive declaring that FGM is a health hazard to children and violation of their human rights. FGM in any form should not be practiced by health professionals in any setting including hospitals or other health establishments. Unnecessary oddly mutilation cannot be condoned by health providers. FGM is harmful to the health of women and girls and violates their basic human rights and medicalization of the procedure does not eliminate this harm. On the contrary, it reinforces the continuation of the practice by seeming to legitimize it. Health practitioners should provide all necessary care and counseling for complications that may arise as a result. Group circumcision, where the same unsterilized instrument is used on several girls at a time, repeat cutting and stitching increases risk of HIV infection. The Bible presents the goodness of God’s creation, including the creation of human beings (Gen 1:31; Ps 139:13, 14). God is the source and sustainer of human life (Job 33:4; john 1:3, 4). He calls for preservation of human life and holds humanity accountable for its destruction(Gen 9:5,6;Ex20:13,Jer 7:3-34). The human body is the â€Å"the temple of the Holy Spirit,† and followers of God are urged to care for and preserve their bodies, including the Creator’s gift of sexuality, as a spiritual responsibility (1cor6:15-19). Because FGM is harmful to health, threatening to life, and injurious to sexual function, it is incompatible with the will of God. Having discussed the side effects that FGM pauses to victims, various communities have come up with measures to fight this procedure, an alternative rite of passage in the abandonment of FGM is used. It involves a four-step procedure Preparation Seminars for both parents and initiates are encouraged. The topics will include side effects of female circumcision, and get prepared to attend a residential seminar to elaborate on what the alternative procedure entails. Actual Circumcision In the alternative Rite of passage, actual circumcision should be stopped since we have learnt that it is not necessary to make a woman an adult nor mature. The side effects of F. C both short and long terms are to be avoided if actual circumcision is not performed. Parents can select a teacher and trainer, for their daughter who will accompany her to the residential centre for an alternative rite of passage seminar. Seclusion. For this the girls will attend a residential seminar for one week away from home. The initiate will be accompanied with their teacher and trainer. Women both circumcised and un circumcised from the community will facilitate during the seminar. Additional topics-AIDS, STI’s, simple hygiene and great women in the Bible, in community and in Kenya. Rites and rituals will be optional. Girls of circumcision age are between six and twelve years old. For the purpose of effective learning, the girls will be divided into two groups; girls between six and nine, ten and twelve. Graduation Graduation is expected to be brief and colourful. Songs, drama, plays and poems will be encouraged. Parents, community leaders, politicians and government officials will be invited to attend to witness the graduation of whole girls. Certificates of graduation will be awarded and prayers, blessings conducted. Exchange of gifts for newly graduated girls will be carried out and finally the graduates will be handed over to the community,chief,church elders and clan elders. Since it’s an annual event, committees are to b e established to plan for the following year.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Invisable Man - Black Leaders Essay -- essays research papers

At the time that Ralph Ellison writes the novel The Invisible Man there were, as there are today, many ideas on how to improve the black mans status in a segregated nation. Marcus Garvey was a militant black nationalist leader who created a "Back to Africa" movement. On the other side was Booker T. Washington who preached for racial uplift through educational attainments and economic advancement. A man who strayed more on the middle path was W.E.B. Du Bois. He was less militant than Marcus Garvey but was more so than Booker T. Washington. Ellison uses characters from the novel to represent these men. Marcus Garvey is fictionalized as Ras the Exhorter. Booker T. Washington is given voice by the Reverend Barbee. W.E.B. Du Bois is never directly mentioned in the novel. However, the actions and thoughts of W.E.B. Du Bois are very similar to that of the narrator. While all three men were after the same dream they all went about making that dream reality in different ways. There are strengths and weakness that can be found in all three men’s philosophies. The most militant and extreme of the three was Garvey. Marcus Garvey was born Marcus Mosiah Garvey Jr. on August 17 1887, at Saint Ann’s Bay, Jamaica. He was the youngest of eleven children. His father, Malcus (Marcus) Mosiah Garvey, was a stonemason and his mother, Sarah Jane Richards, was a domestic servant and produce grower. He left school at the age of fourteen to serve as a printer’s apprentice. After completing his training he took a job with a printing company in Kingston. There he organized and led a strike for higher wages. He then traveled to Central and South America. He moved to London in 1912 and became interested in African history and culture. He returned to Jamaica two years later and founded the Universal Negro Improvement Association (UNIA) and the African Communities League. The UNIA helped found the Black Muslim movement. In 1916 Garvey moved to the United States. He went to New York City and set up a branch of the UNIA and began a weekly newspaper called the Negro World. Garvey preached that blacks should be proud of who they are. He called for racial pride. Because of his persuasiveness and his eloquence people started to listen to Garvey. Blacks became proud of who they were. Booker T. Washington said to bow down to the whites and accept being inferior. When they hear... ...re they too subtle. Du Bois criticized Garvey’s black power movement and he looked down upon Booker for having such an emphasis on economic independence. Du Bois only fault, like Garvey, was in his belief in racial separation. He would not compromise with whites. During the civil rights movements, individuals and organizations challenged segregation and discrimination with a variety of activities. In the forefront of these movements were Marcus Garvey, Booker T. Washington, and W.E.B. Du Bois. All three of these men had a dream of equality; they lead the way for future leaders such as Malcolm X and Martin Luther King Jr. Marcus Garvey preached for racial pride among his people and told them to return to Africa. Booker T. Washington told his followers to accept the status quo and improve themselves through hard work and economic independence. W.E.B. Du Bois told the black community to separate themselves from whites and to gain economic self-reliance. All three men went after the same goal; they just did it in their own ways. There is a thin line between doing nothing and doing too much Works Citied "Garvey, Marcus," Microsoft Encarta Online Encyclopedia 2000

Monday, November 11, 2019

Monologue of Spider

â€Å"Eeeeeeeeeew, yuk, I don't want to sit next to HIM, Miss, that's so unfair!† I went through so many comments like that every day. Everyone thought that if they were put next to me they would catch my ‘outcast disease'. I've never had a proper friend. You know, one who would give you their last Rolo, or spend hours trying to explain the homework to you, even if you didn't get it by the end. All the years through infant school, then primary school and then secondary school were hell. My school grades were always bad. The teachers would say that I was lazy and couldn't be bothered to do the work, when really that couldn't have been more wrong. I tried so hard, I really did, but my mind just couldn't concentrate. The words got muddled up on the page and letters switched around. All of this made it practically impossible for me to read and write. However I was thought of as idle and sluggish, because my speaking was almost immaculate. (Spider walking up a path) My bad grades were just another reason to spark off an argument between my parents. They used to love each other. It was fine when I was very small, I had no worries in the world and a loving mother and father. Then, when I was a little older, six or seven, maybe, my father had an affair. The affair only lasted a little while and my mum agreed to take my dad back, but they were never the same again. Dad would come back from the pub very late, maybe even very, very early in the morning, stinking of beer and fags. Then mum would start an argument with him. I used to hide in my room whilst this was going on. I would crouch under my bed-sheets, and hum to myself, trying to block out the shouting and screaming going on below me. I left school as soon as I could after my GCSE's. I didn't get any good marks in them either. My life was over. Would anyone actually notice if I just curled up and died? I had no qualifications and no college or sixth form to go to. Not that I would go anyway. I had put up with bullying all my life, college would be just the same, nasty comments, no friends, not being able to get to sleep, dreading what the next day held. The next few years of my life wasted away to nothing. I had no job, and not having any qualifications meant I wasn't going to get one either. I just stayed at home, with mum nagging at me every day, telling me what a failure I was. I tried not to pay any attention. I think it made her feel better to take out her anger on someone. I didn't take anything she said personally. Then, one morning, as I stared into the mirror, I stepped back and took a look at my life. Was this really what I wanted? No job. No friends. No life. If I did die, I think less than 20 people would turn up to my funeral. That thought really scared me. So, I decided I was going to do something with my life. Anything, just so I could say that I had done something and everything hadn't been a complete waste. I made the biggest decision of my life. I sold my pride and joy, my beautiful, red Harley Davidson. It was given to me as a gift by my granddad, just before he passed away. Granddad never thought I was a failure. He believed in me, always encouraging me. I was devastated when he died. You have to move on though and that's what I am doing now. I almost cried as I parted with it. I managed to get quite a good price for it though. That day I left my home for good. I left mother a note on the kitchen table, which simply said; â€Å"Mother, I am going away to make something of my life. Maybe I will come back to visit some day . . . Love you always, Gregory.† I left home, armed with the à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½2000 I got for the bike and with my life in a blue hiking bag. * * * â€Å"Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen. On behalf of British Airways, I would like to wish you a pleasant flight. If at any time you require assistance, please press the red button above your head and a flight member will be with you soon to help. Have a nice flight!† I sat on the plane and stared out of the misty window. This was finally it. I had left all my problems in Bristol. Time to start a new life. I hadn't thought about where I was going to go, I had just picked up a cheap, last minute ticket to Africa. I didn't know much about Africa, well, nothing really. I'd watched a few documentaries back at home, but I hardly knew anything about it as a country. Five hours later I arrived in Morocco. (Four months later, Spider is now sat in a tree) I trudged through the wet, cold rainforest miserably for days on end. I lived on the food I could find, which was hardly anything. From the lack of food and what it was, I was experiencing excruciating hunger pains and I had a terrible bout of food poisoning. All this meant I was constantly in agonising pain. The only thing that kept me going, was the thought of how much worse it had been in Bristol. You see, mental pain hurts so much more than physical. Tablets can not obliterate pain inside and somehow the physical pain felt slightly comforting. I guess it was the same sort of adrenaline you would get if you cut yourself. After struggling my way through the rainforest for a few weeks, I came across a town of natives. First of all I saw a group of little straw huts, with a fire blazing in between them. Around this fire, coloured African men with war paint on were doing an astounding dance. Whilst they danced they chanted an indescribable verse of strange sounds, which was accompanied by the steady beat of a large drum. I gazed upon them in awe, not completely sure what to do or think. My brain told me to run away, I had heard that natives do not take kindly to intruders, but my heart told me to stay a little longer and watch this fascinating ritual. Then, all of a sudden, a big chief native bellowed out something in African, which made everything come to a halt. The dancing stopped, the chanting stopped and the booming of the drum halted. I started to become very nervous and was just about to leave, when all of the natives started charging towards me! My heart jumped into my throat, as I stood there dumbfounded. I tried to run but my feet wouldn't move an inch, they were getting closer and closer to me. Finally I started to run but it was too late. I felt my arms being twisted back as they grabbed hold of me. I struggled to get away but they were too strong. Then I felt a blow to the back of my head and that was the last thing I remembered. I woke up later that night with a thumping headache. It was dark and cold. I looked around me, then as my eyes adjusted to the light, I vaguely made out the hard walls beside me with one small hole looking out to the starry sky. I was lying on the floor of some kind of cell, a prison-like cell, on top of some straw. It was then that I realised the full extent of my actions. Obviously, the natives had captured me and there was no escape, minus the tiny window about five feet above the floor, and the iron barred door. â€Å"What would they do to me?† I asked myself, shaking at the thought. If only I had stayed back in Bristol, none of this would be happening now. I could be sat at home, watching the television, back with all my problems . . . â€Å"No† I thought again. I came here to get away from all that. Anything is better than that, even if it does mean being eaten alive by natives. (Spider is now looking quite upset, the shot is of him sat by a river) After that I must have dropped off. Strange how that happened in the given circumstances. I guess I was pretty tired, I hadn't had a decent night's sleep for ages. Everywhere I tried to sleep was freezing and damp and believe it or not nothing had been as comfy as that straw on the floor. I was awoken again by a deep, loud voice. I opened my eyes startled and saw before me a very large man with a very big spear and a plate. My eyes widened with fright. Looking gruff, he then placed the plate on the floor, which had what looked like a collection of small oranges on and shoved it along the floor to me. â€Å"Man eat food now,† he said, then grunted, and stomped out locking the door behind him. I sat there, my emotions mixed with confusion and fright. Should I eat it? It could be poisonous. Then again, the other option was to die from being eaten alive so . . .I opted for eating the food. Besides, I was so hungry. I grabbed some and shoved them in my mouth, hardly bothering to chew. They actually tasted really good. They were the sweetest things I'd eaten in ages. The plate was soon empty and my stomach growled for more. For a while I just sat there thinking. The sun shined brightly through the little hole in the wall and I heard the chirping of birds from outside. Then, all of a sudden, one bird flew straight through the tiny gap and banged headfirst into the wall on the other side of my cell. It fell to the floor; it's small body motionless. A wave of sadness flowed over me as I stared at the poor creature. Then I heard a little â€Å"cheep, cheep† and the bird hopped up onto it's feet again. â€Å"Thank goodness† I thought. It is saved. I looked at it again and as it tried to fly away, only one wing would work. It twisted and turned frantically trying to get away, but sadly it couldn't. It soon ran out of energy and flopped to the floor again. I went over and saw it's tiny chest beating, it's wing was obviously broken. I studied around me for anything that would help the bird. I spotted a twig that looked quite strong and I gathered up some of the hay off of the floor. I then carefully attached the twig to the bird's wing with the straw, to act as a kind of splint. The little thing was now too exhausted to be frightened which was good. Now aware that it's wing was better, the bird stood up and tried to fly. At first it was just small jumps, which progressed to get bigger. I heard loud footsteps approaching the cell door and I backed towards the other side of the room. It was the same man as before, he had come to collect the plate. As he unlocked the door and came in, he saw the pretty bird hopping around with my attempt of a splint on. He stared at it in amazement. â€Å"You help this bird?† he questioned. â€Å"Yyyyesss†, I stammered, shaking like a leaf. He looked surprised. â€Å"Man is good, he help bird†, he said. Then did what I presumed to be a smile, I wasn't too sure though. Then he left. A few minutes later, the man from before came in again, but this time followed by another member of the tribe. â€Å"You will come with us now†, the new man said, in an even deeper voice than the first one. They led me out of the cell and took me to the place where I had first laid eyes on this village. It was pretty early in the morning, so there wasn't a fire, but everything else was pretty much the same. I was greeted by the faces of at least fifty natives, all covered in war paint and wearing native dress, staring at me like I was some sort of alien. I felt so out of place and scared. Whispering went on between the audience as I was led up to the front. Then, everyone went silent as the steady beat of the drum began once more. All of the tribe bowed down, as who I assumed to be the chief came out of one of the biggest little huts. He was wearing a beautifully ornate head-dress, accompanied by long, beige, cotton robes with tassels coming off. He walked solemnly up to me and stared at me straight in the eye. The whole tribe was silent now and even the drum had ceased it's beating. â€Å"Man, you trespassed onto our land. Punishment for trespassing, is death!† he said, almost shouting at the end. Everyone gasped and started their whispering again. I just stood there trembling. â€Å"But!† he carried on â€Å"you have shown great kindness and selflessness in helping little sacred saskarpelli bird. Therefore your punishment has been lifted. You will no longer die† I sighed a huge sigh of relief and my heart returned to it's normal pace. â€Å"And,† he started again, â€Å"As a show of our gratitude, I would like to make you an honorary member of our tribe†, he smiled and the crowd started shouting and cheering. Before I knew it I was being dressed up and having war paint painted on my face. I spent the whole day with them, chanting and dancing, like I had seen them do the night before. It was truly the most amazing, strange and scary forty-eight hours of my life! The next day I bid my farewells and carried on my journey. I had a full stomach and plenty more food to keep me going on my way until my next adventure . . .

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Hospitality Business Development Essay

Hospitality business development of hospitality industry analyses the aspects of the business growth and evaluate the developing process of the industry. In the eyes of Hassanien et al (2010), â€Å"Hospitality business development is a procedure of using external and internal resources of an organization to bring out some new product in the market for the customer. In the essay all points are discussed and argued on developing the hospitality industry by referencing through secondary data which includes books, journals and educational and websites has relates to the topic. Moreover, in the essay the research is systematically paragraphed, introduced issues are customer role, market research, and analysis of business development, designing of new products in the market and customers satisfaction for organizations in the hospitality industry. According to Jones & Merricks (1994), a customer is one who buys a product or consumes a service in terms of monetary exchange from any Organization or a company. According to Chervonnaya. o (2003) A set of behavoiur of the ustomer is concludes through its experience and effective interaction and effective performance of an individual which help them to achieve and fulfill the desire goal which defined as role of the customer in developing the business. The customer is the main focal point of any organization as in the increase competitive market. The feedback of the customer is very important, as they are the end users of the product. A long-term relationship with a customer creates a very good trust essentially, w hich is very important both for the customer and for the organization. It lows its transaction cost on the both side where as the wining a new customer cause more than maintaining and expanding the relationship with its existing customer. Thus, Hyatt’s groups of hotels offered to their regular guest a program, name as Gold Passport, which provide the guest accounts for 20% discount of all Hyatt room nights worldwide. According to Zeithanal. V. A. etal (1997) the role of a customer in developing the business as a productive resource, contributive to the quality of a product, satisfaction and the value of the product and services. Lastly, they are the only competitor of the organization. According to Jones and Merriccks (1994) The resources used by those who supply goods and services to keep themselves in contact with the requirements and desires of the customer those who purchase and utilize goods and services. The process of market research includes the following steps such as finding out the information required, preplanning goals. Internal secondary research the goals and the organization detail of the research goal in brief. The resource plan systematically collecting data from the market with the help of secondary and primary research analyzing the data lastly preparing the report. According to Michael J. Croft (1994), separated products could target Market segmentation, which is the process of identifying different customer group’s users with in a market share similar level of interest in sets of needs. Market segmentation is an important part of any organization because it helps in the organization to satisfy the different kind of customer and their needs. Introducing new product in the market to bring more choices for the customer. The new segments can forecast with cost, profit and investment return of any company on demand of new segments in the market. It helps the company to achieve the goal by analyzing and forecasting all information of market segmentation According to D. Hoyer & J. Macinns(2009), consumer behaviour imitate the entirety of consumer decision with admiration to the attainment, utilization of products and character of goods, services activities in the market, experiences of people and ideas by decision making. Consumer behaviour is more than purchasing tangible goods from the market; it also includes services experience and having new ideas. It involves customer time consumption and choice. Marketing of Organizations always try to offer new product, idea, and services to the customer. Consumer can acquire, buy, and dispose the offering new products. It occurs a reason that sometimes offering new products meets customers’ needs, value, and goals. The organization now get to know the understanding that what, when and which products consumer acquire and buy and when they dispose it before offering new products in the market. This refers to customer satisfaction in means of quality and availability of products with good services in the market that includes tangible and intangible elements also. Customers have many expectations about the products in the market. According to Parasuraman et. al (1988) owing to a standard involvement in the expectation, customer could judge the service providers performance and quality service. Analyzing the customer expectations and needs plays an important role. According to Zeithanal et. al (1993) that customer service expectation can be divided into two parts or level which are desire and adequate. In desire, the customer is willing or wanting services provided by the suppliers. In this customer behaviour customer, use the combination of ‘can be’ and ‘should be’. In adequate level customer expectation have very low faith on the services offered to them and they believe these services as it ‘will be’. Thus, the Taj group of hotels within the aim of targeting the corporate tourist within the budget hotels sectors the new idea of Ginger a low budget hotels has effectively well matched with the requirements and needs of such kind of customers. Competition is practically excludes for the consideration set when customer feels so strongly that you can meet his or her important wants and supplies and the consumer buy nearly exclusively from you. According to Anderson and Jacobsen (2000) â€Å"Is in point of fact that achievement of desired goal of an organization creates a benefit for a purchaser so with the purpose they will sustain or enlarge their purchase from the organization. † Maintain customer reliability is clearly a key goal for any business. Loyal customers mean a dependable revenue flow and a constant profit. Not surprisingly, then, the subject of how you maintain customer loyalty has been one that many researchers have looked into. If a business owner or manager, there is a variety of theories on customer loyalty that he/she should be aware of, as building, a base of loyal customers is key to the growth of a company. To improve the loyalty of the customer it is very important to building up the customer satisfaction in the terms of providing good quality products and services. This process should do continuously. Taking feedback and analyzing what the customer needs and what the customer wanted to see the improvement in the product and services. Building trust plays an important role in customer. Regularity of the customer is the source of profit gaining for any organization. Profit will not earn before customer repeatedly come to buy or purchase the products and services. Kotler (2000) referred that customer satisfaction as â€Å"a person’s view of satisfaction or dissatisfaction. Ensuing as of evaluate manufactured goods is apparent presentation in relative to their prospect. Customer satisfaction refers to the level of customers in which they are pleased with the supply of the products and services provide by an industry in the market. According to Hoyer and McInnis (2001), satisfied customers are the form organization of any Successful company. Customer pleasure, which leads to replicate purchase, product reliability, and affirmative statement. Customer satisfaction levels can calculate by analysis technique and questionnaire. In advance elevated levels of customer satisfaction is especially significant for the business because satisfied customers are mainly expected to be reliable and to create repeat orders and to use a extensive range of services presented by a company.. Therefore, in the essay conclude that growth of a successful business is depending upon some important stream of positive factors. These factors conclude the developing strength and the significant prospective that can move forward the growth of an organization and leads forward to accomplishment of the goals. Each feature of the stream of factors are interlinked to each other, which means one function cannot run not including the other. Customers and potential customers are the definitive goal of a rising firm. In order to accomplish those, organization requires to exposed strike to their competitors by means of certain advertising, customer-centric strategies and further such tools. Thus, organizations would-be customer pleasure, development, and stay competitive in the market require to watch executing the earlier mention factors before they be able to predict success.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Manage Multiple Marketing Clients In One Platform With CoSchedule

Manage Multiple Marketing Clients In One Platform With Managing a hundred different clients†¦ With a million different platforms†¦ is NO cakewalk. You’re constantly jumping from tool to tool†¦ †¦attempting to keep track of a thousand moving parts AND every associated deadline†¦ you’re running from client to client†¦ (with new projects to add to your workload after every visit) and it’s enough to make you feel like your head is spinning. *sigh* But what if there was a way you could manage all your clients in ONE place? Where you could integrate all your marketing platforms†¦ easily manage your workflows + track deadlines†¦ AND have some kick butt analytics to show your clients how *amazing* you are. Too good to be true? Think again :) How To Manage All Your Clients On ONE Platform, Increase Productivity, And Get Crazy OrganizedIntroducing For Agencies! AKA your one stop marketing shop to keep your sanity intact and keep your agency workin’ like a well-oiled marketing machine. With for Agencies, you can: Manage all your clients in ONE place. Eliminate the need for spreadsheets, email threads, and multiple platforms! Get all your clients under one roof. Make it easy for you, your clients, AND  your team to collaborate, manage projects, and get  sh*t  done. Simplify your team’s workflows and collaboration. With custom integrations, team member approvals, and streamlined communication, you can easily facilitate real time collaboration with your clients, stay on track with project tasks, and execute on projects faster. Customize to fit your needs. is designed for flexibility. And as your clientele grows, so should your calendar. With three tiers of multi-calendar plans, makes it easy to scale your plan to fit your client’s unique needs! Improve client retention with data driven results. No more warm fuzzies! Prove the value of all your hard work with real data. Utilize ’s most advanced analytics to measure your success and improve client retention†¦.(without all the tedious data collection). Which means you can stop jumping from screen to screen, manage  all your clients on ONE platform,  and get your agency super organized in the process. Let’s jump into the deets!

Monday, November 4, 2019

Human Resources Management World Wide Fund For Nature ( WWF) Essay

Human Resources Management World Wide Fund For Nature ( WWF) - Essay Example As the essay declares the process of hiring and sourcing the right balance in an organisation is a continuous one that involves regular adjustments in the employee mix. The WWF pools together people of different talent and the grouping of these people is essential in the organisation realising its overall goals and objectives. According to the report findings the human resource through the monetary gains. The positions in these organisations can be filled with people who are able and willing to take the available positions. Most charitable organisations provide accurate and realistic skill specifications for the particular positions advertised. The job expectations for specific opportunities are essentially communicated through job descriptions. Oxfam for instance, attaches the job description in the call for vacancies. The emphasis on the right candidates is because of the risk that charitable organisations undergo in fulfilling their duties. The approach in most charitable organisations is inclined towards selecting candidates that are best suited for the specific job. Performance appraisals are also a preferred way of boosting the performance of employees. Most charitable organisations prefer internal recruitments that are based on the organisation’s recruitment policies. Save the Children for in stance, gives preference to internal appraisals before they consider hiring externally. Many not for profit organisations have realized that recruitment success is achieved through incisive analysis of the potential of prospective employees must be done.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Human Activities on Environment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Human Activities on Environment - Essay Example they either overestimate the size of earth or the problem of global warming. Increase in the level of CO2 in the air has been scientifically proved. CO2 has already increased up to 380 ppm in the atmosphere and may reach 600 ppm in the next fifty years. Its symptoms have shown up in the melting of glaciers and an overall increase in the temperature of Earth’s atmosphere since the American Civil War. In 2003 alone, 20000 people lost their life as a result of the unexpected heat wave in Europe. Fifty years are not very far meaning what shouldn’t happen is already happening thus coining the term, climate emergency. Global warming has altered our relation with Earth as we have changed the look of the world and made it warmer. Facts presented in this article are all reliable as they are supported with research. With our conscious efforts, we can control global warming like we have controlled CFCs in the past and solved the ozone hole problem. Works Cited: Al Gore. â€Å"The Climate Emergency.† 13 Apr. 2004. Web. 28 Jun. 2011.

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Define And Discuss The Term Ethics From Your Own Perspective Coursework

Define And Discuss The Term Ethics From Your Own Perspective - Coursework Example al., 2012, p. 3). Acceptable behaviour is usually dictated by laws and religious norms. General perceptions are that persons who are ethical will usually conduct themselves according to norms dictating what is good and what is right and persons who are not ethical will act in ways that are not good and inherently evil. However, ethics is not merely concerned with acting in appropriate ways, but also concerned with omitting to act in ways that enable wrongdoing or is complicit in wrongdoing (Braswell, et. al., 2012). It would therefore appear that ethics not only demand that ethical individuals act in ethical or good ways, but that they also police unethical behavior. Whether or not this is realistic or fair, does not appear to be a concern. It does appear to be lofty goal for individuals to follow. However, when looked at within the parameters and operations of the criminal justice system the definition of ethics as a tool for moral responsibility and accountability makes sense. As Pollock (1993) informs, ethics in criminal justice studies ensures that those involved in the criminal justice system are able to identify â€Å"ethical issues†, gain empathy with others regardless of where they stand on an issue, and to â€Å"evaluate alternatives to dilemmas using ethical rather than legal or egotistic criteria† (Pollock, 1993, p. 377). Ethics permits all parts of the criminal justice system to be understood and supported as key components of the necessary machinery for engendering social order and social control in a free and open society. Ethics helps criminal justice actors to understand how all parts of the criminal justice system fit together in ordering of society (Pollock, 1993). Ethics in this regard is also important for individuals who make up parts of the social order and the social system. The individual’s ethics education begins at home and is branched out into the community in which we come into contact with others. Thus what we learn at home is inevitably taken into the larger community. Thus when both family and community values are ethical, crime and justice is not only understood but minimized via a collective sense of right and wrong and fairness and justice (Braswell, et. al, 2012). In this regard, ethics is directly connected to criminal behaviour and appropriate responses to criminal behavior. 2. Explain and Discuss Kant's categorical imperative. How appropriate are his views in today's criminal justice field? Kant was of the opinion that consequential theories in evaluating and explaining ethics did not pay enough attention to the issue of duty. Kant also took the position that these theories did not pay sufficient attention to the question of â€Å"basic morality† or â€Å"good will† or the intention to do good† (Braswell, et. al., 2012, p. 16). Thus Kant developed what is referred to as the categorical imperative which is contrasted with the â€Å"hypothetical imperativeâ €  (Braswell, et. al., 2012, p. 17). Hypothetical imperatives make allowances for a â€Å"command that begin with ‘if’† (Braswell, 2012, p. 17). For instance, a hypothetical imperative might function in the sense that an individual may decide that if he wanted to obtain a satisfactory academic outcome, the individual should be more academically prepared. Categorical imperatives are not hypothetical and therefore not prefaced by ‘ifs† (Braswell, 2012, p. 17). Kant formulated a number of aspects of categorical imperative. Two of those formulations are the universalizability

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Leading Strategic Change Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Leading Strategic Change - Essay Example Mittal Steel Company is regarded as the largest producer of steel in the world in terms of the production volume. The company, however, is placed second in terms of the annual turnover behind Arcelor, its closest rival. The company is headquartered in Rotterdam, and is owned by Lakshmi Nivas Mittal. The company started during the late 1970s an early 1980s and has since grown on to become one of the most powerful steel conglomerates by owning steel plants in all the continents. The company was recently in the news over its attempt to merge with Arcelor steel, the deal being finalized on 25th June, 2006. The merger, when completed, will catapult the new company (which will thereafter be known as Arcelor-Mittal) to the position of numero-uno with a global share of nearly 17% in the steel production arena (Financial Times, June 23, 2006). The reason for choosing this company has been multi-faceted given the fact that the position achieved by the Mittal group under Mr.Mittal’s lead ership has been something phenomenal over the last decade, which has seen it grow from nowhere to commanding the largest share in one of the most profitable industrial sectors in the world (Research and Reports, 2006). These will become clearer as the essay progresses. The first aspect that will be discussed under this section will be the use of PEST analysis to study the various factors that have been contributing to noticeable changes in Mittal Steel over the years. This analysis will take into consideration the internal as well as the external changes that have contributed to the growth of the company to the position it enjoys today. The analysis will also need to perform an analysis of the micro as well as the macro environment, which have been known to play a role. In terms of the internal changes, Mittal steel is known to adopt a very well-known procedure that has contributed to its growth both in terms of size as well as in

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Competitive Advantages Over Spaghetti House In Hk Marketing Essay

Competitive Advantages Over Spaghetti House In Hk Marketing Essay Abstract and aim By using personal survey questionnaire, 150-200 students of City University of Hong Kong will be asked, in order to find out the competitive advantage of Pizza hut and compare with Spaghetti House for places to buy food in names and addresses from Hong Kong Island, Kowloon and New Territories. Addresses were area code to census tracts. Based on individual factors are traditional explanations for the inability of some people to change dietary habits. This study examines the food service by Pizza Hut and its competitive advantages over Spaghetti House Aim This work aims to find out the successful factor of other competitors and to provide suggestions and evidences in order to increase the sales and profits of Pizza Hut by improve Pizza Huts services and its competitive advantages. Background / outline Hong Kong is an international city. There are seven million residents and lots of tourists would love to shop in Hong Kong thus there are different social cultures exist including diet habit. Foreign food is playing an important role in Hong Kong to suit customers different needs. There are a lot of western restaurant in Hong Kong such as, Spaghetti House, McDonalds, Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) and Pizza Hut etc. Lots of people especially teenagers like Pizza Hut very much, they love to eat western foods, so Pizza Hut attracts a bulk amount of regular customer for a long period. Pizza Hut is an American famous restaurant chain, offering different styles of pizza along with side dishes including pasta, buffalo wings, breadsticks, and garlic bread, Pizza Hut is a subsidiary of Yum! Brands, Inc., the worlds largest restaurant company, with approximately 34,000 restaurants, delivery-carry out units, kiosks in 100 countries. Pizza Hut has been serving Hong Kong for almost 30 years. The first Pizza Hut restaurant opened in Hong Kong in 1981 with its first delivery service began in 1992, while the business of Pizza Hut is still increasing every year. Since 1987, Hong Kong Pizza Hut franchise has owned by the Jardine Matheson Group. At present, Hong Kong Pizza Hut has a total of over 70 branches and more than 3000 employees. The main competitor of Pizza Hut is Spaghetti House. Spaghetti House is also a famous western restaurant in Hong Kong. The menu of Spaghetti House is similar to Pizza Hut; its target market is a little different from Pizza Hut. Pizza Hut vs Spaghetti House  ¼Ã… ½Which one is more famous?  ¼Ã… ½Which one do customers prefer?  ¼Ã… ½Which products are more competitive? We hope to find the answer during this project. In this project, well analyze the 7Ps of market strategies of Pizza Hut and take the personal survey in order to find out the competitive advantage of Pizza Hut and the comparison with Spaghetti House in Hong Kong. More, we can also know that which one is better and more famous. Secondly, we focus on physical evidences from customers opinions to improve the environments of both restaurants. Finally, we refer to the result gained from questionnaires to make the recommendations and suggest new marketing strategies to Pizza Hut for the improvement. Objective and research questions Study the demographics of target customers Determine which attributes of pizza are the most important to the customers Determine the preference of product package by the customers Determine the acceptance of new products by our target customers Identify the purchase behavior of the customers Identify which promotion channels are the most effective Measure the satisfactory level of customers towards Pizza Hut Critical Literature Review Western fast food chains development and impact in Asia Majority scholar to believe food is more affected by culture to restrict in consumption product. As far as relatively other products concerned, that is more difficult to change the customers behavior such as U.S breakfasts manufacturer Kelloggs to spend 20 years time in Japan, ability success to entry use as major rice and kelp soup make breakfast of consumption market. Some country and district such as Japan and Hong Kongs children as regards coke, pizza and spaghetti etc foreign countrys food never again, but that local food is accompany children to grow and combine in local culture. From the above, Pizza Hut can identify market opportunities and develop targeted promotion plans. Therefore, research and development professionals stay on HK of competitor initiatives and explore demand for fast food products. Advertising agencies working with clients in the food industries understand the product buyer to develop messages and images that compel consumers to purchase Italian food products. Business development executives understand the dynamics of the market and identify possible partnerships. Finally, information and research center librarians provide market researchers, brand and product managers and other colleagues with the vital information they need to do their jobs more effectively. A 360 ° View of Fast Food and Impulse Habits Here has huge market growth potential for manufacturers and retailers to development in fast food chains and fast food services. According to the ACNielsen survey result, citizens average monthly purchase frequency in fast food, impulse food and drinks is around 20. Monthly Purchase Frequency for Impulse Food and Drinks in Hong Kong In addition, in a global consumer survey conducted over the Internet by ACNielsen in October 2004, 30 percent of Asia Pacific consumers claimed to eat takeaway at least once a week, closely behind the US (33%). As the result, eight of global top tens fast food consumption market from Asia Pacific, and Hong Kong ranks is the worlds No.1, have a fast food than traditional 26% higher than the United States , hard upon is Malaysia (59%) and the Philippines is 54%, 12% said never again to eat fast food, have 35% eat fast food even more. ACNielsens data also showed that although in the United States have 97% of adults do not mind eat fast food, but this data has also been Asia exceeded. From this result, fast food culture can popular in Hong Kong is about the Hong Kong peoples to demand fast and convenient lifestyle. Many people require swift and convenient, hurried cadence of life may not have time to cook at home, it affects our lifestyle, make to popularity of fast food culture in Hong Kong. As the same time because of the convenient location, the price is cheaper. In additional, because may about Hong Kong peoples personality, most are not satisfied to spend too much time on waiting. However, teenagers usually to eating fast food more during the noon or after school. While an adults to eat breakfast is out of home that provides an opportunity for suppliers and retailers. So, fast food culture is the most sales in Hong Kong. Top 10 Global Markets for Weekly Fast Food Consumption Hong Kong 61% Malaysia 59% Philippines 54% Singapore 50% Thailand 44% China 41% India 37% US 35% Australia 30% New Zealand 29% Source: ACNielsen Online Survey, October 2004 Modeling repurchases frequency and customer satisfaction for fast food outlets In this competition environment of Hong Kong, leading the company is necessary customer that requires spending many resources to enhance customer loyalty and satisfaction with the company. Therefore, the company need understanding what factor is affect customers behavior and satisfaction, and then try to improve the customer services quality in the fast food industry, thus help make more loyalty customers. Improving service quality has become one of the most important strategies a service provider can use to differentiate itself from its competitors and thus position itself more effectively in the marketplace (Cronin and Taylor, 1992). Rust and Oliver (1994) suggested that quality is one dimension on which satisfaction is based. Although many studies provide a theoretical basis for studying the relationship between waiting time, consumer satisfaction and return frequency, they have failed to investigate the relationship between waiting time and the return frequency. The aim of this study is to investigate the impact of waiting time and other service quality factors on customer satisfaction and return frequency in the fast food industry. As waiting time appears to be a vital factor of the services in fast food operations, therefore, fast food industry is chosen for our research purpose. Based on a survey of fast food outlets, we formulate a repurchase frequency model and a satisfaction model. The repurchase frequency model describes the relationship between the number of return visits and service quality factors including waiting time. The overall satisfaction model describes the relationship between the customers overall satisfaction level, the waiting time and other service quality factors. These models will help managers to identify root causes for customer satisfaction and loyalty and thus enable them to make focused improvements in critical areas to improve profitability. Hong Kong fast food culture Hong Kong is a delicacies paradise, and also is a fast food paradise, various Chinese and Western fast food restaurant at Hong Kong everywhere, lunch take-out to office are also has good idea or business. Hong Kong fast cadence of life, high working performance, many things have to stress efficiency and effectiveness of demand. It is because fast food more emphasize fast, therefore many foods have prepared cooked and heating for consumers. So, fast food culture offers fast and convenient especially popular for peoples. Nowadays, the purposes to co-operate for healthy fashion, fast food already changed into emphasize foods quality and sustenance, many foods have consumer to pay or order then start cook. Therefore, foods will more fresh and higher quality than prepared cooked. At the other hard, fast food chain to be particular about decoration than before, show the high class and city lifestyle; Detrude of fast-food restaurants in recent years, hot pot, iron meals and other food types, making customers to stay longer in the fast-food restaurants, but also because of the fast-food restaurants to make food choices many more customers are willing to patronize fast food restaurants. A financial tsunami to assist development fast food industry Although global financial tsunami cause economic recession, but fast food always is catering trades exotic flowers, Pizza Hut, Burger King, McDonalds and Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) these fast food chains have grow a business volume in this period. Cafà © De Coral, Pizza Hut etc. also want to development this period. Due to economic crisis affected unemployment and so on reason, thus affected consumers confidence. However, relatives enhance of fast foods attraction, increasing peoples in order to save times or money abandoned traditional restaurant meals, and tend to choice fast food. Therefore, fast food chain has obtained more market. Form the above; Pizza Hut should continue its diversification strategy to gain more market share. It should incorporate or develop healthier food include low-carbohydrate pizzas to satisfy the needs of different customer. If it is able to stay ahead of the competition in this aspect, they will have a strong competitive advantage over other companies. Service quality in the fast food industry Service quality has become a predominant part of all advanced organizations strategic plans. Increasing attention paid to service quality has resulted in more progress and profit for organizations. At an international marketing level, in a struggle for a share of market, managers have to understand and know how to modify their operations for success in the various cultures of Hong Kong. From the above reason, can organization provide good service; staffs quality and skills have important influence. Therefore, enhance staff with the training and improve the quality of services, Including improves the quality of staff and customer service and provide effective services such as staff is advised to review the guests a la carte in order to reduce opportunities for error, the menu and dishes can be coded to facilitate data input, restaurant customers should be informed in advance of waiting or cooking time and adoption a recognized service standards and guidelines etc. These can be satisfying consumers needs and attraction their have to patronize. Research methods/ Methodologies Category Options The degree to which the research question has been crystallized 1. Exploratory study 2. Formal study The method of data collection Monitoring Communication Study The power of the researcher to produce effects in the variables under study Experimental Ex post facto The purpose of the study Reporting Descriptive Causal-Explanatory The time dimension Cross-sectional Longitudinal The topical scope Breadth and depth of the study Case Statistical study The research environment Field setting Simulation The participants perceptional awareness of the research activity Actual routine The main purpose of our study is needed to find out the comparison of Pizza Hut and Spaghetti house. We need to collect the primary data and secondary data to analysis Pizza Huts 7Ps mainly. (Product, Price, Place, Promotion, People, Process and Physical environment) First, we collect the secondary data from internet to know backgrounds, histories, objective, and the annual reports of Pizza Hut and Spaghetti House etc. Then, we collect other useful information on the internet. Afterwards, we go to libraries to find books such as population information and literature. After that, we use Self- Administered Surveys (Intercept and computer) and Personal Interview (Questionnaire) to collect the primary data. Indeed that information is related to our objective. To collect primary data, we will design a set of questionnaire about 7Ps. The method is taken by samples in Hong Kong (different regions in Hong Kong, Kowloon and New Territory). The proportion will be 60:80:60, a half of male and female. It can be avoided unfair saturation. The sample size will be 200 that it can be reduced bias. The age distribution limits are 10 to 40. Our survey method is face-to-face interview, after the interview well give them a gift. (Such as coupon) We can understand Pizza Huts competitive advantage through information and make the recommendations on new market strategies for Pizza Hut for further improvement. However, we have limited information in secondary data. In conclude, our information mainly come from primary data. Secondary data is collected from other peoples or organizations, general major secondary datas sources are internet and daily, moreover including survey, census and companys records. However, the primary data is reversing the secondary data, its major used in survey research works. Secondary datas advantages is save more collect datas time, because many background work may carried out or complete, such as some reviews and case studies was carried out, statistics and published book may used to media promotion. And about the secondary datas disadvantages, because the data sources not every is trusty, even authorities data may undependable. Secondary data can be obtained from two different research strands Quantitative and Qualitative. Quantitative included housing, social security, census and other related databases. Qualitative included focus groups transcripts, observation records, structured interviews, semi-structured, research-related documents and other personal. Any required respondent to complete the questionnaire by oneself is referred to as a self-administered survey. The most survey method is via use internet, fax, newspaper and e-mail, or via restaurant and shops feedback form. According to this self-administered survey is require some inaccurately questionnaire considerations, because have some respondent may cause sensitive question or other special reason thus to indiscriminate answer the questions. Self-administered surveys advantage is using anonymous form to answer the questionnaire, thus make the questionnaires answer have more effective and true. At the other hard, can make respondent more convenient to answer, and can eliminate the bias, the cost is more than telephone and personal interview cheaper. However, the most of self-administered survey also not actual to control who to answer questionnaire, the respondent may read other part of respondents answer, thus affect their feedback. A personal interview is one of direct research method that allows face to face conversation between an interviewer and the respondent at home, in shopping centers or everywhere. The use of personal interviews provides interviewers with opinions, and the process of interaction via understanding. Personal interviews allow analyses of thoughts, attitudes, behaviors, and opinions that have a high level of content validity (Babbie, 2006). Personal interviews are an appropriate qualitative data collection methodology in a variety of settings including exploration of issues in sensitive areas such as internal agency evaluations or internal agency satisfaction studies. Personal interviews allow participants to share qualitative information in a manner that allows freer expression of ideas and opinions. Advantages of personal interviews: 1. Qualitative data obtained from small sample. 2. Rapport leads to fewer refusals. 3. In-depth answers possible. 4. Observation improves accuracy. Disadvantage of personal interviews: 1. Invasion of privacy. 2. Interviewer bias. 3. Cost: Professional Interviewer expensive. 4. People not at home. 5. Can be slow and time consuming. 6. Postal surveys: Distributing or mailing door to door a written questionnaire to a sample of buyers for their completion at home or at work. Project Plan/Gantt Chart